Valmont is capable of producing steel tubing to several different ASTM specifications depending upon the end use that the tubing will be used in, the type of weld and the finish of tubing. Valmont produces tubing to the following ASTM specifications along with both destructive and non-destructive testing:
ASTM A513 Type 1a, A513 Type 1b and A513 Type 2
ASTM A135 Grade A, A135 Grade B
ASTM A252 Grade 1, A252 Grade 2, A252 Grade 3
ASTM A500 Grade A, A500 Grade B and A500 Grade C
ASTM A787 Type 1, A787 Type 2, A787 Type 3 and A787 Type 4
ASTM A53 Type E Grade A, ASTM Type E Grade B *
ASTM A268 *
* For specific capabilities, please check with our sales staff as certain exceptions may apply depending upon OD size.
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